Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Way to Go Barry Bonds

Congrats to Rochelle's baby, Leah's birthday, and Barry's new record. All three of them deserved what they got.

We had our Zone Conference last Friday. President Leal keeps changing things. I'm a District Leader yet I'm not allowed to call the other missionaries in my District. I have to call the Zone Leaders who call my District who will then call me back to tell me what my District said. That doesn't make sense to me. There also wasn't a testimony meeting at the last part of the Zone Conference as there usually is. A lot of the Elders who are a little bit older don't like President Leal. They don't like his style. I think he's got some good ideas. But some of the new stuff and new rules he's applying don't make too much sense to me.

Having a lot of members in my area is sweet and on Sunday it reminded me a lot of the Parkview Ward's Sacrament Meetings. Millions of kids laughing, screaming, crying, and running up and down the chapel. It makes when want to stick those kids outside of the chapel and into the halls! Yesterday there was a ton of noise in Sacrament meeting. But there were also 5 investigators.... sweetness.

The other day I made pancakes. We had nothing fast and simple in our house so we were forced to actually make food. I know, it was rough. Maple syrup doesn't exist in Brazil. I ate mine with strawberry jelly. Elder Silva ate his with mayo. I almost threw up. Honestly, who puts mayo on their pancakes? I have made cookies with him, too. He thought they were alright but he wasn't too found of them. Next up is brownies. If he doesnt like brownies, he might as well take his taste buds out because they're not working too well.

So President Leal told us on Friday at Zone Conference that President James E. Faust passed away. I think he was 86 years old. He's a legend here. He served his mission in Brazil. They say that one of the years that he served, 20 people in the whole country were baptized. Just 20 the entire year in this whole country. Now Brazil is rising to become a powerhouse. They say that the Church is trying to fortify Brazil so that it becomes completely independent. In other words, they're gonna stop sending American missionaries, Mission Presidents, and other leaders to Brazil. Within the next 5-10 years there will just be Brazilian church leaders here.

I got to see Elder Ferreira again at Zone Conference. I miss that guy a lot. There are about 150 missionaries in our mission and I just happened to have 4 of my ex-comps at the same Zone Conference with me. Small mission, huh? maybe not.......

Well that's all for this week. I miss everyone and I hope all is well with Barry Bonds and the Gian.. oops. I mean, I hope all is well with my family that I love so much.

Elder Carter