We went on splits with the other Elders in my District. They both have been my companions: Elders Leandro and McBride. I went to Apucarana with Elder Leandro to interview a girl for her baptism on Friday night. Whenever I do Baptismal interviews it makes me think a lot; about how much the Church trusts a bunch of teenagers (missionaries). How I, being 20 years old, invite a 50 year old man to repent of his sins. The Church rests alot of weight on the missionaries shoulders. We interview people to see if they are worthy of entering in to the Waters of Baptism and making sacred convenants with the Lord. This kind of stuff is no joke. It's very serious.
We had a good week. We still haven't had any of OUR investigators at church on Sundays. But every Sunday one of the members bring one of their friends to church. The members here truly are amazing. They'd do anything to help us out. This Thursday we're gonna have a crazy activity and there will be a ton of referrals for us from the members. It'll be good.
The lunches in this area are awesome. There is a famliy here that is from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Juan is the father of the famliy and he weighs a good 320 pounds. All the kids are afraid of him. Graciela is the mom and she cooks soooooooo good.
The thing that I don't like about my area is that all the District Leaders (Apucarana isn't a Stake yet, it's a District, so there are no Stake Presidents - They are District Leaders instead) are from my area. Therefore, none of the stronger members are at church on Sundays because they're all part of the District High Council watching/presiding over the other Branches. But we still have a ton of good members in our ward.
That's all for this week. Elder Silva is way funny without even trying. He's a good guy. Things are going good with us. We'll have Zone Conference this Friday. We'll see what else President Leal will change.
Elder Carter