Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Here are some of the latest words from Elder Carter.

"So I met my new Mission President last Thursday. President Leal. He definitely is an inspired man. He's really excited to work and he has a ton of ideas and confidence that we're gonna take this mission to the next level. The mission secretary told me that my interview with President Leal was the longest of all the other missionaries. Usually with Pres. Burns my interviews were like 4-5 min. But with Pres. Leal it was 25 minutes. I don't even remember it being that long. We just talked about my family, my life before, on, and after the mission. It was cool. He seems like he knows what he's doing. He was shocked that I had been in this area for so long. Basically he told me that I'd be outta there for sure."

And Elder Carter is excited at the idea of leaving Cornelio. I understand what it's like. I always loved changing cities. It really changes up the monotony of mission life and presents new challenges. You need new challenges to stay interested.

He and his current companion, also from the U.S., enjoyed their 4th of July holiday in Brazil. He ended his letter with how they celebrated.

"Last week on the 4th of July, McBride and I "partied." We made brownies from scratch, a type of pudding, and grilled-cheese sandwiches. We sang a bunch of patriotic songs and stuff like that. American style..."

Sound boring to anyone? If it does then you haven't served a mission. The simple pleasures are what keep things exciting!

That's it for this week. Until next week, tchau!