Wednesday, July 18, 2007

14 Months

Yesterday was 14 months on the mission for me. Just 10 more. Today is 7 months in Cornelio Procopio (half of my mission). Transfers are next week so this is my last Wednesday using this lan house. The people that work here are probably tired of seeing my face for an hour every Wednesday.

Elder McBride and I found this guy named Anderson (that's a very common first name here). He's 32 and he still lives with his dad. But he is the perfect investigator. His baptism was scheduled for August 11th. I'm positive he'll get baptized. I won't even be here but I know he will. He's accepting everything perfectly and he likes our lessons.

There is a crazy fat rain storm that got here Monday morning. It's been raining really hard since. Actually today it's not raining but it's still wet outside. I hope it's passing by. It sucks to work in the rain. All you do is get cold and wet. I prefer blazing hot Brazilian sun, baby.

Fun Story:

We were teaching this crazy lady the other day. We talked about the Restoration and then we talked about how we have living Apostles and Prophets. So, this lady was like, "Do you have a picture of them?" So I pulled out the picture of the 1st Presidency and the Quorum of the 12. So she was looking at them than said, "I have been blessed with a gift. I can tell who is a true servant of God and who isn't. Not all of these men are true servants of God. Just some of them." I thought that to be interesting. So I asked her which ones were and she only pointed to Pres. Hinckley and Elders Packer, Perry, and Bednar. She said that the rest aren't. Elder McBride started laughing out loud at how ridiculous this lady was. Then I asked her if she thought that we were ture servants of God and she said no. riiiiiiiiiiight...

There are a ton of crazy people in the world. Still, God loves us all equally.

Elder Carter

Mine and Elder McBride's 4th of July Party.

Here we are being patriotic.

Bowling in Londrina last P-day.

A potential investigator. I hope she calls the number on the pass-a-long card!!!