Man am I happy!
I have finally been transferred. After spending half of my mission in Cornélio I'm outta there. Elder McBride was transferred, too. President Leal has made a ton of changes. But let's talk about where I am first...
I am in a city called Arapongas. It's a branch here but the church is way stronger than any of the 3 wards that I've served in. They say the frequency is about 130. That's what I'm talking about, baby. The whole city is my area. Looking at the map it seems to be smaller than Cornelio. But there isn't a single hill in Arapongas. It's all flat. Sweetness. My companion will be Elder E. Silva. He hasn't even gotten here yet. We will have to re-open the area. This last transfer there weren't missionaries there. I dont know anything about E. Silva yet. Arapongas doesn't have a stake. It's a district. The rest of the branches in the district (4) are all in the neighbor city called Apucarana. I'm actually in Apucarana right now. I've never been to Arapongas but I'm really excited to get to work there. It'll be hard these first couple weeks because me and E. Silva don't know anyone or anything. Where the chapel is, where the house is, the members, investigators, etc. But it's all good.
So President Leal has changed a ton of stuff. A lot of companionships were transferred and he's putting 2 new missionaries places where they don't know anything. He also changed the 2 Assistants to the President and changed their area. A lot of new missionaries are seniors and leaders. Which reminds me, I will be the District Leader here. Like I said, I'm very excited. Elder E. Silva and I are gonna work like crazy. It's gonna be great.
I was a little sad to leave Cornelio. The Relief Society President cried when I left. My time there was awesome, but I'm glad it's over. Got to move on to bigger and better things.
I watched that family home video that Mom sent me. It's got footage of Christmas, Carter famliy, cousins, etc. I loved the new River House. It's huge. Thanks for the video, Mom. It was awesome.
People here are going crazy over the airplane that crashed in Sao Paulo. I saw footage the other day at the Bishop's house that showed 2 people jumping off a burning building and falling to their deaths. Sad story. Some lady they interviewed said it was the worst tragedy in the world that has ever happened....... I think that lady needs to study up on some history. As of now it seems like about 195 people died. Everyone on the plane, people that were in the street close by, and people that were in the building that the plane crashed in to. It's messing up all the flight plans in Sao Paulo, including the Elders who finished their missions and will go home tomorrow. Sucks to be them at this time.
I think that's about it for me. I'm happy.
Elder Carter