Elder Henrique & Me -
"The 2 'famous' Elders from Cambe that baptized the 'hottest' girl in the stake!"
Well I'm writing to you on a Tuesday because tomorrow we will have
our zone conference. So our preparation day has been moved from
tomorrow to today. Tomorrow shall be my last zone conference!!!!!
That's crazy!!!
So this last sunday Ane was confirmed and given the Holy Ghost. Everything ran smoothly. She's excited and liking everything. I heard a rumor that the bishop might give her a calling in the nursery. This worries me but I'm not the bishop here right? I just think that if you throw her in the nursery already she won't learn anything and she may feel like she goes to church to watch other peoples' kids while everyone else is learning.
We also aren't allowed back at her house. Her dad has told her that he does not wish that we return to his house. He doesn't like us at all. It's pretty sad but Ane's still hanging in there strong. I don't know if you guys over there in the states heard about this, but here they keep showing a television report that some pastor from "The Church of Jesus Christ of the latter days" (they left out saints)
had been caught for having 10 wives. (I think they've got us confused with some other church.) Then they talked a whole bunch of crap about the church. So a bunch of people have been rather rude to us and haven't been very open to our message. This report had a big part of Ane's dad not liking us. I think that he thinks that
we're here to get us a couple of wives....Satan works really hard doesn't he?
On Sunday, a lady in the ward gave a 5 minute talk. It was one of the most uncomfortable things I have ever witnessed in any sacrament meeting (except of course the time in my first area where a lady was breast feeding her kid during the sacrament.....). She gave her talk on the word of wisdom. She got up there, told the congregation about how much she hates giving talks, then she read straight up from the "gospel principles" book about the word of wisdom. It turns out that she doesn't read very well and it was sad because nobody was paying attention to her. Then after she read extremely slow, she told the congregation that she smoked for 20 years and how she used to have yellow teeth (they're still yellow by the way). Then she got down. I understand that some people are uncomfortable when it comes to public speaking, but it's not supposed to be that hard when you just read from a book. I felt bad for her.
Well that's about it. Hope everyone is good...Kaden and the Middletons and Carson and the Petersens.
laters -
Elder Carter