Elder Alves will be my new companion. He's from Rio de Janeiro. I know him pretty well. He'll get here tomorrow. I was sad because one of my favorite Elders on the mission is getting transferred too. There's a chance that I'll never see him again. But that's life, huh?
This week we had our interviews with President. He wasn't too happy with Carneiro and I because of the lack of baptisms in our zone but it's all good. We'll keep on going here in Marilia.
I really don't have much to say and time is short because we have a ton of things to do today. I'm jealous of the Turkey-day festivities.
Elder Carter
One more week on the mish. I completed 18 months last Saturday. It's weird to think that I only have 6 months left. At times it seems like I just got on the mission. But then there are other days that it seems like it's been 3 years already. I'm not going to worry about going home too much. I'm just gonna pound out 6 solid months and go home.
This last week was cool. Last Thursday was Independence Day for Brazil. There was absolutely no one in the streets. We ate lunch at a ward barbecue. I'm going to miss Brazilian barbecue's (is that how you spell bbq?). The meat is so good. We've been working with this guy named Rogerio. He was almost baptized last Saturday but he backed out at the last second. Some guy at his work has been putting bad ideas and rumors about our Church so Rogerio wasn't too sure. But he said he wants to get baptized and that he wants it to be this Saturday. Let's just pray that it happens.
Tomorrow President Leal is coming to interview all the missionaries here. So today all the missionaries are running around trying to clean their houses the best they can. Sometimes President stops by houses to inspect them. In reality, President doesn't really care too much about the houses. It's his wife, Sister Leal that does the inspecting. She may be small but she's deadly. She looks everywhere in the house to find a little bit of dust. But Carneiro and I did a good job this morning cleaning it up. It wasn't even that messed up to begin with.
Oh man, I didn't even remember that Thanksgiving was coming up. Or is it over already? I don't even know. It'll be the last Turkey Bowl that I miss in my life. To be honest, I'm not too excited about Christmas this year. My ward isn't that cool. I don't know who we'll chill with on Christmas day. The transfers are coming up this next week. I think me or Carneiro will be transfered. Our Zone didn't do
too well so there will be a change between us for sure. It might be Carneiro because he has 4 months in this area. But it might be me because Carneiro only has one more transfer to go to finish his mission. So Pres might leave him here to finish. But whatevers.
Sorry this email isn't too neat. Nothing extraordinary happened this week. It was just workin' and walkin'.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Elder Carter
PS: Is it possible to put up Christmas lights on the River House. I already know that dad doesn't want to. Mom probably wants to. But then again, no one will drive by to see the "pretty lights".
(All Ty said was, "Here are some neat pics." I did my best to leave captions.)
(I'm assuming he is showing off his tan lines and not his huge muscles)
(Elder Carter and Elder Carneiro)
(Some sort of weird food)
(18 months in the mission - it must be a Brazilian thing . . .)